By collecting large amounts of data continuously along the entire track, QTMS offers insights into the current condition of the tracks and detailed information on where and when maintenance is most effective. The system is mounted on trains and equipped with high-quality sensors that can detect and report problems in real time, long before they become critical.

QTMS provides a continuous and accurate picture of track conditions, enabling predictive maintenance based on real data, simplifying the prioritization of maintenance actions, making them more proactive, minimizing disruptions, optimizing resources, and reducing costs while increasing safety and reliability.

"QTMS is like an ECG that reads the tracks"

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Sören Stark, Maintenance strategist,  Strukton Rail

High-tech microphones and sensors

QTMS equips trains in regular service with advanced sensors and microphones. These devices continuously collect data over the entire track length, providing detailed information on the condition of the track. Through sophisticated algorithms, this raw data is analyzed to provide real-time information on the condition of the track, among other things: 

  • Track Roughness
  • Track Decay Rate
  • Wheel slip
  • Wheel slip
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Unique data is collected and analyzed

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QTMS automatically collects data from every millimeter of the track, all the time, all year round! This means that large amounts of data are collected and can be presented on a map in the web platform.

Thanks to this huge amount of data, we can make better decisions, perform better analysis and plan the maintenance of the railway in a much more efficient way. 

Take control of maintenance

QTMS identifies and manages advanced and costly rail problems, from severe wear and rail cracks to complex track geometry and joint defects. The system is adept at detecting critical defects such as rail buckling and damaged joints, enabling early action to prevent escalation and ensure track durability.

Infrastructure owners estimate that the cost of maintenance can be reduced by 10-20%!

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